Retreats and Summits


If you’re tired of feeling isolated, stuck in stress, or feel like burnout is finally boiling over and you just want to burn it all to the ground - attending retreats and summits is the key to jumpstarting your recovery.


Being an entrepreneur can sometimes feel like charting a course through unexplored territory. You're forging ahead, making key decisions, and often doing so alone. This journey, while exhilarating, can also feel isolating, causing moments of doubt about the path you're taking.

This is where the value of a community becomes evident. Our community isn't just a place to connect; it's a lighthouse in the entrepreneurial storm. It's a space to find guidance when your journey gets hazy, celebrate your milestones, and seek support when you encounter obstacles.

With us, you'll discover companionship in the shared experience of navigating the entrepreneurial seas. We exchange wisdom, learn from each other's triumphs and missteps, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth. We also believe in keeping the journey lively with shared laughs and camaraderie, reminding each other that though entrepreneurship may be intense, it need not be lonely.

We invite you to check out our upcoming events. They're networking opportunities and shared experiences designed to inspire and entertain. So, join us and turn the solitary trek into a shared adventure. Because the entrepreneurial journey is best traveled with companions who understand the trials, share the vision, and appreciate the humor found in the challenges along the way.

Upcoming Retreats & Summits


Royal Connections 2023
Queendom Creators Co-Working Retreat

May 2-7, 2024 | Plantation, Florida

Seize the opportunity to reignite your entrepreneurial spirit and supercharge your journey in a supportive and collaborative environment. Secure your spot at the "Queendom Creators Co-Working Retreat" today, and let's embark on this transformative journey together towards achieving greatness!


A Look Back at Our Previous Adventures


Take a peek at our past retreats filled with laughter, learning, and unforgettable memories. These snapshots are all about growing side by side and creating friendships that stick.

Inspired yet? Hop in with us next time to create unforgettable moments and give your business a boost. Can't wait to welcome you to our next gathering for your next big leap forward.


Connect With Me!


Got something on your mind? Shoot! As a fellow small business owner and your retreat go-to, I'm all ears for your ideas and questions. Let's make magic happen together.